Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

Page 99

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual


Vel Dyn Range

This alters the velocity curve’s dynamic range. There are five response options.

1 – High
2 – Medium high
3 – Medium
4 – Medium low
5 – Low

The High setting has no effect on the velocity curve, and attains the widest dynamic range. As the dynamic
range gets lower, the velocity curve is “compressed” so that lower input velocities produce higher output
velocities. In practical terms, this means lower dynamic ranges are more sensitive to lower input velocities.
For example, with the Linear curve selected in conjunction with the lowest velocity dynamic range, any input
velocity produces an output velocity value of 127.

Key Tracking (on/off)

When enabled, the filter cutoff frequency tracks note pitch. Therefore, every note will have similar-sounding
timbres. When disabled, the cutoff frequency remains constant, regardless of pitch.

Break Pt (0 to 127)

Break point sets the MIDI note value at which filter keyboard tracking begins (the default is 60, or middle C).
Example: The filter cutoff could be constant below a certain note, then track keyboard pitch above that note.