Filter envelope section – Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual


Filter Envelope Section

The following graphic indicates the portions of an envelope that relate to the following parameters.

Pre-Attack (0 to 100%)

(A) This sets the cutoff frequency at which the attack time begins, thus allowing the cutoff to start at any
frequency, from minimum to maximum. The value expresses a percentage of the available cutoff frequency

Attack (0 to 10 seconds)

(B) This parameter sets the duration for the envelope to go from the Pre-Attack cutoff frequency to the
maximum possible cutoff frequency.

Decay 1 (0 to 60 seconds)

(C) Decay is the amount of time it takes for the envelope to fall from the maximum cutoff frequency to the
cutoff frequency set by the Sustain parameter (described next).

Sustain (0 to 100%)

(D) Sets the cutoff frequency the envelope attains after the decay phase is complete.

Decay 2 (0 to 60 seconds, or infinite)

(E) This determines how long the envelope remains at the sustain level. If set to Infinite, the sustain phase will
last as long as the associated key is held down. Note that once the Decay 2 time has elapsed, the Release phase
(described next) will begin, regardless of whether you’re holding down the associated key or not.