Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

Page 126

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual


Linking and Unlinking

GigaStudio 4’s send controls are unusually flexible. Normally, each Aux Send sets the level for a signal going
to both channels of a stereo pair simultaneously. However, in Giga it is possible to adjust send levels for each
channel of a stereo pair separately. This can be particularly useful with dual mono plug-ins (i.e., there are
different mono effects for each channel of a stereo pair) or when positioning an instrument within a stereo


When enabled (bright green), each Aux Send knob sets the send level for both channels of a stereo pair

simultaneously. When disabled (gray), levels for the left and right channels are set individually, based on
whether the Left or Right button is enabled.


When enabled (bright green, available only when Link is disabled), the Aux Send knob sets the send level

for the left channel of a stereo pair discretely. When Left is disabled (gray), the Aux Send knob either affects
both channels of the stereo pair simultaneously or only the level going to the Right channel, depending on
whether the Link or Right buttons are active respectively.


When enabled (bright green, available only when Link is disabled), the Aux send knob sets the send

level for the right channel of a stereo discretely. When disabled (gray), the Aux Send knob either affects both
channels of the stereo pair simultaneously or only the level going to the Left channel, depending on whether
the Link or Left buttons are active respectively.