Rewiring gigastudio 4 with cakewalk sonar 7 – Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual


ReWiring GigaStudio 4 with Cakewalk Sonar 7

This procedure is based on Sonar version 7 for Windows XP, and assumes that you have already set up Sonar
to accept MIDI input, and output audio.

1. If you have not used Sonar yet, run it at least once before proceeding so that Sonar can install its ReWire

engine in your system.

2. Go Insert > ReWire Devices > Giga4. You can set the following options in the Insert Soft Synth Options


Create MIDI Source Track

– If checked, this will create a new MIDI track designed for driving

GigaStudio and named “Giga4.”

Synth Track Folder

– If checked, this creates a track folder and places the GigaStudio audio and

MIDI tracks within it. This is recommended, as it makes for a neater track view.

First Synth Output

– If checked, this option creates a new audio track that receives the first Giga4

audio output. This would receive the GigaStudio 4’s DSP Station Output Master channels for R1:2.

All Synth Outputs Stereo

– This option automatically creates stereo audio tracks for each ReWire

channel available in GigaStudio 4, and sets the input for each track to the corresponding channel.

All Synth Outputs Mono

– This option automatically creates mono audio tracks for each ReWire

channel available in GigaStudio 4, and sets the input for each track to the corresponding channel.

Synth Property Page

– If selected, Sonar will open the GigaStudio 4 GUI automatically when you

insert the soft synth.

3. If you did not select the “Synth Property Page” option noted above, launch GigaStudio 4 manually.
4. Open the “In” pop-up for a Sonar audio track and the Giga4 ReWire application will now be available on

the menu, with GigaStudio’s ReWire channels listed on the sub-menu. Selecting a channel will direct the
output from GigaStudio to the selected track. Repeat this step for all the ReWire channels you want to use
in Sonar.