Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

Page 86

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual


2 - Special:

This is a more exaggerated version of the nonlinear response. Moderate release times produce

mostly low release velocities, then the release velocity output increases rapidly with faster release times.

Choose the one that feels the most natural to your playing style.

Release Range

As with Velocity Range, this is somewhat like a “compressor” for release velocity. At the low Velocity Range
setting, the effect of low release velocity values are boosted somewhat. This boost becomes progressively less
at higher settings. At the High setting, the release velocity value follows the full range of your keyboard’s

Release Trigger Decay

When release time is tied to the envelope release time, Trigger Decay influences the speed of the release time,
from 0 (fastest) to 8 (slowest).

Instrument Global Section

Pitch Bend Range (0 to 12 Semitones)

This sets the how much pitch will be bent when the pitch bend wheel is set to either extreme of its rotation.
Example: With 2, the maximum pitch bend range is 2 semitones. With 12, the maximum pitch bend range is
12 semitones (one octave).

This control affects all regions. You cannot have separate bend ranges for individual regions.