Channel properties – Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual


Clear Settings:

Resets all Stack Properties parameters to their default settings.

Load Template:

Click to display a drop-down menu from which you can load a previously-saved template.

Save Template:

Click to bring up a dialog that allows specifying the Template and Collection name, as well as

adding template-specific descriptions.
Edit Templates:

Use this dialog to rename templates, reorganize templates, create new Collections, modify a

template’s description, delete templates, or view a template’s properties.

Channel Properties Window

Each MIDI channel has a Channel Properties window that allows remapping incoming MIDI data (Source
Keys) to alternate outgoing note values (Destination Keys) on a note-by-note basis. To open the Channel
Properties window, select the Channel Properties menu item from the desired MIDI channel’s drop-down