Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

Page 154

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual


Set Current Bank/Preset as Default
This will define the current active preset as the default setting when the bank impulse is loaded.

Define search paths and options for the banks and mic models and their associated file types. Recommended
file types are:

.IIS (instrument impulse set)

.FXB (bank)

.FXP (preset)

TurboMode ->PureMode (not recommended)
Pure Mode is a 100% mathematically perfect convolution. This is very CPU intensive. It is useful for some
special applications, but most often the Turbo Mode, utilizing TASCAM’s patent-pending efficient
convolution algorithm, is recommended.

Turbo Mode is the default mode for GigaPulse and employs a computationally optimized technology for the
convolved signal. When TurboMode is enabled, the tail model is employed. It provides extremely high-
quality convolution with significant CPU computational savings. Tail Model is designed for use with very
long impulses. GigaPulse convolution gives you roughly 3 seconds of 32-bit floating point processing at
48kHz. The included bank 0026-Ten Second Smooth Algorithmic Hall (2 channels, 1 position).fxb, for
example, gives you ten seconds of processing utilizing both the Turbo algorithm and the tail model.

Please note that Pure Mode has an effective limit of 3 seconds (at 48kHz). This is presently the limitation
placed on the convolution engine for maximum computational efficiency.

Cascade button:

It is possible to gain the benefit of two different convolved impulse responses, for instance a violin body as
well as a room, without having multiple instances of GigaPulse. To do this you would first make all the violin
body resonance settings and then select the Cascade mode. Next, select a room and make its settings. Now you
have a violin body resonance cascaded through a room all within the same instance of GigaPulse. The same
result can be accomplished by using two separate instances in series, but at a greater cost of computational