Articulation section: general tab – Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual


Articulation Section: General Tab

Volume (0 to -Infinity dB)

This sets the entire Instrument’s output level by using attenuation, measured in dB. A value of 0 provides no
attenuation. The more negative the number (turn the control counter-clockwise), the greater the degree of
attenuation. -Inf, the maximum amount of attenuation, equals no output signal.

Pan (-64 to 63)

Adjusts the Instrument’s location in the stereo field. -64 is full left, 0 is center, and 63 is full right.

Global Tune (-49 to 50 cents)

Set the overall fine pitch adjustment in cents. 100 cents equals one semi-tone (a single half-step), so the fine
tuning range can be set anywhere from a quarter-tone flat to a quarter-tone sharp. Tip: If one note in a region is
slightly out of tune, select only that region and adjust its tuning.

Self-Mask (on/off)

With Self Masking enabled, playing louder velocities will shut off any sustaining softer

velocities of the same note region that are still decaying. This is highly effective in reducing Giga’s voice
count, especially for sustaining instruments like ride cymbals that are triggered repeatedly.

Sustain Defeat (on/off)

Defeats whatever effect is caused by pressing the sustain pedal for the selected regions.