Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

Page 78

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual


Stereo Split

This is the first and most basic Dimension. There is no MIDI control of this dimension; it’s either mono or

Velocity Splits

With a velocity split, the dynamics with which you hit the keyboard determines which sample is triggered.
This is most often used for samples of instruments with dynamics that vary from soft to loud. Acoustic
instruments tend to get brighter and more “aggressive” as they get louder, so recording samples that range
from loud to soft, and triggering them based on velocity, makes for a much more convincing instrument

Sustain Pedal

The MIDI Sustain Pedal switches back and forth between samples. This is commonly used for piano libraries
that have separate pedal up and down samples, or drum libraries with open and closed hi-hats.

MIDI Controllers

This allows a continuous controller (such as Mod Wheel) to switch between various samples. A good example
would be using the Mod Wheel to switch from a guitar string sound to a guitar harmonic.


You can have several samples layered on top of each other, playing together at once. You can even have
individual MIDI control of each layer’s volume, or have a MIDI controller sweep between the layers (crossfade


This original Giga invention lets you use MIDI keyboard notes to switch instantly between various samples.
This is often used for orchestral instruments that have several articulations. You can instantly switch from
Long Sustain to Staccato to Legato to Trills to Tremolo, and so on, all on one MIDI channel.

“Round Robin” and Random

These dimensions switch the samples automatically each time you play a note. Round Robin plays a pre-
determined sample order while Random triggers the samples randomly. This is useful when hitting a note
repeatedly, such as a snare drum, and you want each note to be slightly different.

Smart MIDI

This Dimension is used for MIDI tools such as the Pattern Alternator, the Repetition Tool, and the Legato
Mode Tool. For more information, see the section on Smart MIDI tools.