Chapter 11: midi control, About midi control, Midi mixer: both control & controller – Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual



Many of the mix, editing, effects, and instrument parameters in GigaStudio can be controlled and
automated through MIDI.

MIDI Mixer Port Channels have 3 assignable sliders which default to volume, fine tune, and pan.

DSP Station channel strips have level faders, pan knobs, aux send knobs, dynamics & EQ sliders

NFX plug-ins have MIDI control over all knobs and sliders

GigaStudio (.Gig) Instruments can have controllers for attenuation, envelope modulation, filter
parameters, Dimension controllers, crossfades and more

About MIDI Control

First of all, a few words about terminology when discussing the elements of MIDI Control in GigaStudio 3.0:

A “control” refers to widgets in GigaStudio, whether it is a horizontal slider, a vertical fader, or
a knob.

A “controller” refers to the MIDI data source used to affect the widgets in GigaStudio.

“MIDI Control Source” refers to the external control such as the Mod or Pitch Wheel on your
keyboard., sequencer, DAW, or GigaStudio MIDI Mixer port channel slider whose data originates
the “controller”.

MIDI Mixer: Both Control & Controller

The MIDI Mixer is unique in its MIDI Control functionality. In each MIDI Mixer port channel are three
sliders that can be assigned a MIDI controller. Each of the port channels is by nature port and channel
dependent. A controller assigned to a slider in port 6, channel 13 will always be associated for that specified
port and channel only. The other unique property of a port channel slider is that not only can these be
manipulated from a MIDI Control Source, such as a DAW, they can also manipulate any of the assignable
widgets in the GigaStudio environment, provided those control widgets are configured to receive the defined
controller on the correct port and channel.

GigaStudio does not send MIDI out or “thru”, so there are no controllers transmitted to other system MIDI
devices. On each port channel slot are three assignable sliders:

The default controllers (and control sources) are Volume (MIDI Controller 7), Pan (MIDI Controller 10), and
Fine Tune (cents). There are also default data values associated with these controllers at load time.

To assign a different controller, simply click on the arrow button next to the name field for any data slider.

In this pop-up list is every available MIDI controller (0-127). Also available are Program Change, Fine Tune
(in cents) and Course Tune (in octaves). To switch to a new setting simply click on the one you want and the
name field of the data slider will change to reflect the assigned controller.