Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual
Page 32

GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual
necessary to manually add the specified install directory to the Configuration Manager’s GVI-Compatible
Virtual Instruments Search Paths.
When a wrapped GVI instrument is loaded into GS4, the sample data is loaded directly into the specified MIDI
channel and appears as traditional GIG content would appear. The GVI UI (Custom or otherwise) is not loaded
into GS4, only the raw instrument and sample data.
Of course since wrapped GVI’s are embedded content by design, it is not possible to open wrapped GVI
instruments in the Giga Editor. You can however make changes to the instrument using QuickEdit and save
those changes into a GSI or GSP performance.
Recent Files List
Below the GVI wrapped instrument section of the Channel Load Menu is the Recent Files list. This shows
recently-loaded instruments; to prevent the list from getting excessively long, there are additional sub-
categories for Past 7 Days, Past 30 Days, and Older. If you choose one of the files from this list, it will load
automatically on the specified channel.
The Load Status Bar
The Status Bar along the bottom of the GigaStudio main interface monitors loading progress. Note: When
loading a multi-instrument GIG file, only the first instrument will be attached to the specified MIDI channel.
The other instruments are loaded into memory and appear in the Loaded Instruments pane.
There are three components to the Load Status bar. From left to right, these are:
Pause button (1).
Click to pause or cancel the loading process.
Status field (2).
This field monitors the overall progress of all instruments currently loading.
Progress field (3).
If multiple Instruments are being loaded, this field shows which of the set of
instruments is being loaded (e.g., 2/7 means that the second of seven instruments is being loaded), the
instrument’s name, and how much of the instrument has been loaded.