Teac GigaStudio 4 User Manual

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GigaStudio 4 Reference Manual


Loop End (1 to end of file, in samples)

This sets the loop end point. The above comments about Loop Start also pertain to Loop End, with one
exception: If a loop is established with a start and end point, moving the Loop End control will not cause the
Loop Start to change. If you want to preserve a loop’s duration but move it, you must do this with the Loop
Start control.

Comments on Looping

Looping is both an art and a science. The loop start and end should be at the same level, otherwise you’ll hear a
“pop” as the signal transitions abruptly from one level to another. For this reason, GigaStudio 4 will select
waveform “zero crossings.” These are places in the waveform where the signal has no amplitude. Although
setting loop start and end on zero crossings doesn’t guarantee a clean loop, it helps.

After establishing what seems like a decent loop, vary the Loop Start control and experiment whether moving
the loop elsewhere in the file improves the loop quality. Remember, you can always click on Undo if the
original loop position was better.

Prepare to be frustrated at first, but the more you loop, the better you’ll get at the process.