Asio direct monitoring, Mobile i/o user’s guide – Metric Halo 2882 operating guide User Manual
Page 79
Mobile I/O User’s Guide
The ASIO2 standard added the capability for ASIO hosts to control hardware
monitor mixing in ASIO hardware. The Mobile I/O ASIO driver maps ASIO
Direct Monitoring commands to the Mobile I/O WIDE hardware mixer. The
current implementation of the driver does not share mix configuration data
with MIO Console, so if you enable ASIO Direct Monitoring, you will be
able to change the state of the MIO Mixer without the changes being
reflected in the MIO Console user interface.
For basic multitrack foldback, MIO Console provides detailed control and
metering and may provide a more streamlined interface for controlling fold-
back mixes.
The exciting part of ASIO direct monitoring is that it enables “tape-type”
cross-faded punch-ins when doing overdubs. Hosts that support tape-type
monitoring and ASIO Direct Monitoring will automatically mute the input
channel in the monitor mixer when the transport is in playback, and then
will unmute the monitor channel when the engineer punches in. The
Mobile I/O’s interpolated mixer provides clickless, cross-faded transitions for
punch-ins and punch-outs, allowing you to accomplish clean, transparent
In order to take advantage of the direct monitoring features, you will need to
configure both your ASIO host and your Mobile I/O:
1. Enable ASIO Direct Monitoring in your host. Refer to the docu-
mentation that comes with your host for details. Later in this chap-
ter we provide details about the ASIO implementation of some of
the primary ASIO hosts. That documentation includes details about
ASIO Direct Monitoring.