Metric Halo 2882 operating guide User Manual
Page 108

Mobile I/O User’s Guide Index
Rack Ears .................................... 4
Support Information .................... 5
what comes with it ...................... 3
What it has .................................. 1
Monitoring .......................... 21, 40, 45
Near-Zero Latency .................... 41
Monitors .......................................... 62
Multiple WIDE mixes ..................... 41
Mults ............................................... 43
channel ...................................... 45
to ASIO ..................................... 43
to Mixer ..................................... 43
to Patchbay ................................ 43
Mute ...................................... 9, 28, 36
needs of the moment ....................... 22
Nuendo ...................................... 68, 72
Optical ............................................. 14
Optimizing Input levels ................... 27
Output Patchbay ............ 42, 45, 59, 67
Parameter controls .......................... 21
Parameter Popup ................. 24, 32, 37
Parameter Popup controls ............... 50
Categories ................................. 52
Copy Parameters ....................... 52
Create New Category ................ 52
Delete Category ........................ 52
Delete Current Parameters ........ 52
Factory Default ......................... 52
Finder Management of Presets .. 53
Paste Parameters ....................... 52
Presets ....................................... 52
Rename Current Parameters ..... 51
Save Parameters ........................ 51
Save Parameters As ................... 51
Patchbay router ............................... 22
Phantom Power ............................... 24
Phantom power ................................. 8
Power .......................................... 8, 19
PPM meter ...................................... 26
preconfiguring Mobile I/O .............. 22
preset management .......................... 22
Pro Tools® ...................................... 16
recall ................................................ 22
Registration ....................................... 5
Routing Matrix .......................... 42, 46
assign ......................................... 46
Configuring Channel Names ..... 48
crosspoint assign tile ................. 48
Logical Description ................... 47
Mix bus tile ............................... 47
naming a channel ...................... 49
Parameter Popup ....................... 50
path label tile ............................. 47