Figure 38, Mobile i/o user’s guide – Metric Halo 2882 operating guide User Manual

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Mobile I/O User’s Guide


To name a channel, click on the input path tiles (for input channels) or the
mix bus tile (for Mix busses). The channel configuration window will appear
above the MIO console window:

All of the channel identification controls will be set for the tile you clicked
on. To change the user selectable name of the channel, simply type the new
name. The name will be updated in the console when you do one of the fol-
lowing things:

1. Hit the key. This will update the name and dismiss the


2. Hit the key. This will update the name and switch to the next

channel in the list.

3. Hit . This will update the name and switch to the pre-

vious channel in the list.

4. Select any other channel using the popup menus or the “<“ or “>”

buttons in the channel configuration. This will update the name
and switch to the new channel selection.

You can dismiss the window without updating the channel name by clicking
its close box.

You can also select the stereo linking state from Linking popup menu in the
channel configuration window. The state will be updated in the console
along with the channel name.

Figure 38: Channel Configuration Window.