Mobile i/o user’s guide – Metric Halo 2882 operating guide User Manual
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Mobile I/O User’s Guide
mixer in Mobile I/O to mix in DAW effects send busses for monitoring
without having to reconfigure your DAW session.
3. Multichannel foldback mixes.
• Ever tried monitoring a full drum kit with a host-based foldback mix, or
even a 2 channel cue mix? It can’t be done! At least, it can’t be done well).
To monitor multichannel input tracking sessions you need an external
mixer – or the built in WIDE-mixer in Mobile I/O.
• If you take advantage of MIO’s ADAT input with a third party A/D con-
verter (or a second MIO) with ADAT outputs, you can simultaneously
track and mix up to 18 input channels, with no latency, and no external
4. Near-Zero Latency monitoring of external effects.
• Most singers need some reverb or other effects to get the feel right dur-
ing their performance. With Mobile I/O and the WIDE mixer, you can split
off a send from the performer’s input channel, send it to an external
effects unit, and mix the effect return into the performer’s foldback mix --
with virtually no latency.
5. Multiple WIDE mixes
• Since Mobile I/O supports multiple WIDE mix busses simultaneously, you
can form multiple, individual foldback mixes for multiple performers at the
same time, and best of all, each mix has its own complete mixer control
surface, so you don’t have to mess around with a million unreadable aux
send knobs.