Measurement Computing WavePort 312P rev.1.0 User Manual

Page 73

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PowerVista/312 User’s Manual

Event Capture 9-5

location of events at the bottom of the plot. When the cursor moves over a marker location, the cursor display
will show the first and last event for that marker (

see Figure 9-2

). When the shot number is displayed, a simple

double click will transfer the user to the first event recorded at that location via the shot number.

After transfer to the event, a two push button return window (

see Figure 9-3

) will be displayed to allow the user

to return to the demand data presently being viewed. Click on Return to Demand Log View to return. Click on
Cancel Event Link to terminate the link.

Figure 9-2. Demand View with Event Markers On.

Figure 9-3. Demand Log Return Push Buttons.

For this feature to operate properly, the user will only be allowed to access shots that are events within the link
range of the database. While the Demand Log Return window is visible, the user has the freedom to access other
events via the Database View around the linked event. However, if the user clicks on a shot that is outside the
event link range for the linked demand log plot, a message window will be displayed to alert the user to cancel
the event link to view that shot.

If the user desires to copy events using Copy Shot and Paste Shot, then there is a good chance that links will be
lost. The only way links can be maintained is if the shot numbers of the events and logged demand information
are kept intact. Links are saved as absolute shot numbers. This means that the user must start at the beginning of
the database, and copy through to the last demand shot for that capture session. This type of copy defeats the
purpose of copying only selected events to an alternate database, so that file size can be reduced.