JLCooper FaderMaster Pro User Manual

Page 59

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Verify Audio and Communication
This would be a good point to stop and make sure that
everything is connected correctly. Verify that you have control
over either your on-screen moving faders or your outboard
MIDI controlled mixer.

Remember that in the Automation Banks, the buttons above
the faders have two functions, fader enables or channel mutes.

The function is toggled by SHIFT MODE. It is displayed by a
dash in the display near the words ENABLE or MUTE.

Remember that in the Automation Banks, the fader does not
send any data until it is enabled. That is, the button above the
fader must be pressed and the LED lit while in ENABLE mode.

Set Initial Levels
Play your sequence, tape, or digital audio files, and experiment
with the mix for awhile to determine what the initial levels and
mute conditions should be.

Record Snapshot
Start the sequencer in record. Press SHIFT and SNAP to send a
snapshot of controller data into the sequencer.

First Pass
Enable faders and make your fader moves for a rough mix.
Change Banks as needed to mix different channels.
Bank changing is not necessary if you happen to be using
several FaderMaster Pros.

Writing Mutes
Press SHIFT MODE to enter Mute Mode, as indicated by a dash
next to the word MUTES.

Mute channels and change Banks as needed to mute different