Gasboy FiPay Payment Network User Manual

Page 27

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MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012

Page 27

Installing FiPay (NBS)


From the WANSUPP directory, type FiPaypinCSX.exe and press Enter. This will write the
configuration parameters to the FIPAYPINCS_CONFIG.XML file and start the fipaypinv4


Successful execution of FiPaypinCSX.exe. For common errors, see

Figure 31


Figure 31: FiPaypinCSX Successful


MS-DOS window pops open and some data scrolls across the screen, and then the window
closes. FiPaypinCSX.exe was NOT run using the Command Prompt.


HASP key check fails and XML (Extensible Markup Language) file is NOT written to. The
FiPay HASP key has not been plugged into a USB port, plug in HASP key and run
FiPaypinCSX.exe again.

Figure 32: HASP Key Error