Print current nbs system configuration (-s), Delete transaction from batch or settlement (-d), Read/write a network file (-r, -w) – Gasboy CFN Series NBS User Manual

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MDE-4390F Gasboy CFN Series NBS (GL3) Credit and Debit Card Network V · November 2008

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NBS Command

Using NBS

Print Current NBS System Configuration (-S)

This option prints the credit card and cross product parameters. A partial sample report is
shown below.

System Configuration Report

Configuration NBS Host Terminal ID: GB1234123456100

Primary Phone: 18885551878

Card Parameters

CARD OK Fill Show Price OK OK OK OK

Auth Amt Acct Level Rtn Voice Ovride Loc Auth

------------- -- ----- --- ---- --- --- ----- -----

1 Visa Y $ 450 N 2 Y Y N N

2 Mastercard Y $ 450 N 2 Y Y N N

3 Discover Y $ 450 N 2 Y Y N N

4 Amex Y $ 450 N 2 Y Y N N

5 Debit Y $ 75 N 2 Y Y N N

6 Cnx prepay Y $ 75 N 2 Y Y N N

7 Voyager Y $ 450 N 2 Y Y N N

NBS Product Cross Reference

Local NBS

2: Diesel #2 Diesel #2

4: Reg Nolead Unlead 88-89

5: Plus Nolead Unlead 90-91

6: Super Nolead Unlead 92/above

Delete Transaction from Batch or Settlement (-D)

If you are encountering errors with a transaction, that transaction can be deleted from the next
settlement attempt. You need the transaction number (this should print on the log or you can
display it using the P TR command) to delete it. You will then have to consult with NBS about
the deletion.

Read/Write a Network File (-R, -W)

Network information and card parameters can be saved to a file. You can then use the file to
reload this configuration if data is ever lost.

To save the data to a file

• Enter the command NBS -W filename.
• Copy the new file and the FRAMOS.CFG file to a diskette for safe-keeping.

To load or restore the data

• Enter NBS -R filename.

Note: Not all data needed for the network interface to restore properly will be saved. Certain

data (for example phone numbers) can be restored using the RESTORE command,
provided it was backed up using the SYSBACK command.

This manual is related to the following products: