Fluke Biomedical TNT 12000 User Manual
Page 67

How to Use the mAs Detector (TNT 12000 mAs)
Figure 2-17. Shunt or Clamp Screen
Use C or D to highlight the Invasive Shunt or Non Invasive Amp Clamp
checkbox. Push E to toggle the checkbox. Use A or B to highlight the Save button
and push E to set the input measurement option.
How to Connect to the X-ray Tube for mAs Measurements
To prevent damage to the Detector and/or X-ray equipment, do
not connect to the generator mA/mAs taps without the TNT
12000 mAs shunt.
An mAs measurement is the X-ray tube current multiplied times the exposure time. The
mAs Detector auto ranges through three ranges. There are also two X-ray tube current
measurement methods. A current shunt is put into the X-ray tube current path or a current
clamp is put around the X-ray tube anode cable. Table 2-7 shows the three ranges with
the two measurement methods.
Table 2-7. mAs Current Ranges
Measurement Method
0 – 99.99 mA/mAs
100.0 – 999.9 mA/mAs
Invasive Shunt
1000 – 1999 mA/mAs
0 – 99.99 mA/mAs
100.0 – 999.9 mA/mAs
Non-Invasive Clamp
1000 - 3999 mA/mAs