Introduction, Unpacking and inspection, Storage – Fluke Biomedical TNT 12000 User Manual
Page 15: General safety considerations, Unpacking and inspection -3

The Fluke Biomedical TNT 12000 X-ray Test Tools (the TNT 12000) are used to
calibrate and service diagnostic X-ray imaging systems.
The TNT 12000 X-ray Test Tools has these parts:
TNT 12000WD X-ray Detector option (the X-ray Detector). The X-ray Detector
contains an array of solid-state sensors and filters that measure kV, Dose, Half-Value
Layer (HVL), and exposure time.
TNT 12000 DoseMate option (the Dosimeter Detector). With its related ion
chambers, the Dosimeter Detector measures dose and rate on all X-ray modalities:
radiographic, mammographic, dental, cine, fluoroscopic, and CT.
TNT 12000 mAs option (the mAs Detector) to measure X-ray tube current over time.
Use the mAs Detector on radiographic (or Dental or Mammography) and
fluoroscopic X-ray imaging modalities. The mAs option is installed in the X-ray or
Dosimeter Detectors.
TNT 12000 Display (the Display). The Display contains a 320 x 240 color LCD, four
navigation buttons, an ENTER button, and a power button. The display controls test-
system functions and shows all system measurements.
TNT 12000/DoseMate/mAs CD that contains an Excel Add-in to control the test
system and import all measurements.
AC Power Adapter used to charge the rechargeable batteries in the X-ray Detector,
Dosimeter Detector, mAs Detector, and the Display.
The TNT 12000 options communicate between the detectors and the display or computer
through a wireless (ZigBee) or wired (USB) connection.
Unpacking and Inspection
The TNT 12000 is shipped in a container designed to prevent damage during shipment.
Examine the components for damage, and immediately report any damage to the shipper.
Keep the damaged shipping container and packing material for inspection by the carrier.
The shipping container contains foam inserts to prevent damage during
shipment. Keep these and the container for future shipment.
When you unpack the TNT 12000, compare the parts to the packing list. If you ordered
the mAs option, make sure it is installed in a Detector by looking for an mAs input jack
on a Detector. See the Familiarization section later in this chapter. Report any shortage to
the place of purchase.
To store the TNT 12000, put it in its carrying case. Keep it in an environment free of
corrosive material and within the storage temperature and operating humidity ranges
shown in the specifications. Also prevent vibration and shock to the system.
General Safety Considerations
In this manual, a Warning identifies conditions and actions that pose hazards to the user.
A Caution identifies conditions and actions that may damage the test equipment or the
equipment under test.
Symbols used on the test system or in this manual are explained in Table 1-1.