Establishing communication – Basler Electric BE2000E User Manual
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9287500995 Rev B
After initial governor adjustments are complete, reinstall the 5-ampere fuse, and connect only the power
input leads or PMG leads to the regulator. Remove all other regulator connections that may be present
and temporarily insulate them.
Start and run the generator at rated speed. The regulator will perform the self-test and enter a shutdown
mode. At this time, initial adjustments can be made.
After the initial adjustments are made, shut down the generator and connect the remaining regulator
leads. The generator may be started and final adjustments may be performed on the regulator.
Establishing Communication
Communication between BESTCOMS-BE2000E and the BE2000E must be established before viewing
metering values or reading or changing settings. BESTCOMS-BE2000E screen settings are updated only
after communication is opened or the communication settings have been changed.
Open the BE2000E communication port by clicking on Communications on the menu bar, hovering the
mouse pointer over Open Comm Port, and clicking RS-232 Port. Figure 16 illustrates the menu selections
for opening the BE2000E communication port.
Figure 16. Communications Port Menu Selection
When RS-232 Port is selected, the Password dialog box of Figure 17 appears and prompts you to enter a
password. Each BE2000E is delivered with "OEM" as the default password. See the Password Protection
sub-section for information about changing the password.
Figure 17. Password Dialog Box
After the correct password is entered, the Communication Initialization screen of Figure 18 is displayed.
Select Com 1, Com 2, Com 3, or Com 4 as the active communication port on your PC and click the
Initialize button. BESTCOMS-BE2000E initializes communication by obtaining the configuration settings
from the BE2000E.
Figure 18. Communication Initialization Screen
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