Initial adjustments – Basler Electric BE2000E User Manual
Page 12

9287500995 Rev B
Table 2. BE2000E Front Panel Mode Status Indicator Descriptions
Over Excitation
LED #12
This LED blinks rapidly when the Overexcitation Protection feature is enabled and
the field voltage exceeds the setpoint (80 V default) for 15 seconds. The
BE2000E will shut down when an overexcitation condition is detected. The Over
Excitation LED blinks for 5 seconds when the BE2000E is powered up following
an overexcitation condition.
Over Temperature
LED #11
This LED blinks rapidly when the internal temperature of the BE2000E has
exceeded its limit and causes the unit to shut down.
Under Frequency
LED #7
This LED blinks rapidly during an under frequency condition.
Var/PF Active
LED #5
This LED blinks rapidly when operating in Var or Power Factor mode.
If – Limit
LED #4
This LED blinks rapidly when the field current exceeds the programmed
overexcitation limit. It will continue to flash until the overexcitation condition
ceases or the overexcitation time delay expires and the BE2000E shuts down.
The Overexcitation Limiting LED flashes for 5 seconds when the BE2000E is
powered up following an overexcitation limiting condition.
Manual Mode
LED #3
This LED blinks rapidly when operating in Manual mode.
Loss of Sensing
LED #2
This LED blinks rapidly when a loss of generator sensing voltage is detected. The
BE2000E will shut down. The Loss of (Generator) Sensing LED flashes for 5
seconds when the BE2000E is powered up following shutdown for loss of
generator sensing condition.
Over Voltage
LED #1
This LED blinks rapidly when the generator output voltage exceeds the setpoint
for 0.75 seconds. The BE2000E will shut down when a generator overvoltage
condition is detected. The (Generator) Overvoltage LED flashes for 5 seconds
when the BE2000E is powered up following a generator overvoltage condition.
Read and understand the operation of the individual adjustments
before attempting any initial adjustments.
Initial Adjustments
Before starting the generator, the procedures in the following paragraphs should be performed.
Remove the 5-ampere fuse before starting the generator for the first time. Perform all preliminary engine
governor adjustments without the regulator energized.
After initial governor adjustments are complete, reinstall the 5-ampere fuse, and connect only the power
input leads or PMG leads to the regulator. Remove all other regulator connections that may be present
and temporarily insulate them.
Start and run the generator at rated speed. The regulator will perform the self-test and enter a shutdown
mode. At this time, initial adjustments can be made. To do this, step through each adjustment using the
“SELECT” button. For each adjustment, press the “UP” or “DOWN” button to obtain the desired level on
the LED bar graph.
After the initial adjustments are made, shut down the generator and connect the remaining regulator
leads. The generator may be started and final adjustments may be performed on the regulator.
Human-Machine Interface