Axel AX3000 65 User's Manual - firmware 0632 User Manual
Page 288

AX3000 - User's Manual
Note: the FIFO modification takes immediately effect.
k) The 'Number of Sessions" Parameter
This parameter is the maximum number of concurrent connections. Its value is
from 1 to 6.
l) The 'Number of Pages per Session" Parameter
This parameter allows multi-page support. This may be used by legacy text
application under Unix/Linux.
Important: the 'Number of Sessions' multiplied per the "Number of Pages per
Session" must not exceed 6.
A.10.3 - Session Level: Enhanced Parameters
Each session (screen or auxiliary port) offers enhanced parameters. These
parameters are available through the "Connection Properties" box (depending
on the session type this box is located in the [Sessions]-[Session x] menu or
the [Aux. Ports]-[xxx] menu).
This is an example of the dialog box: