Axel AX3000 65 User's Manual - firmware 0632 User Manual
Page 283

AX3000 - User's Manual
a) The bootp Stage
If an error occurs, the following message is displayed on the AX3000 monitor:
Bootp errno: xxx
- xxx is the error number.
Possible errors:
0: Ethernet board not responding.
1: no response to the bootp broadcast request (the bootp host is
unreachable or not correctly set-up).
b) The tftp Stage
A tftp error message can originate from either the tftp host or the AX3000.
Depending on the error, the AX3000 firmware may be erased. If this happens
the firmware code will be automatically downloaded (bootp+tftp protocol) the
next time the AX3000 is power-cycled.
Tftp Host Errors:
tftp errno: xxx label
- xxx is the error number,
- label is the error message. This label is sent by the tftp host and is
generated by UNIX running on the tftp host.
Possible errors:
1: File not found
2: Access violation
3: Disk full or allocation exceeded
4: Illegal TFTP operation
5: Unknown transaction Identifier
6: File already exists
7: Illegal TFTP operation
0: User-defined error
For more information, refer to UNIX manuals.