Axel AX3000 65 User's Manual - firmware 0632 User Manual
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Installing under OS/400
AX3000 - User's Manual
This chapter covers AX3000 installation under OS/400.
This chapter describes the operation of the AX3000 in an OS/400 environment.
For more general information about the AX3000 (network and session settings,
etc) please refer to the previous chapters.
The AX3000 is able to handle both 5250 screen sessions (tn5250 emulation)
and printers (protocols Prt5250 and LPD).
The IBM 5250 emulation type developed by Axel is IBM-3477-FC.
This emulation provides all the features of an IBM 5250 terminal. Especially:
- Enhanced 5250 telnet protocol (TN5250E): compliant with the RFCs
1205 and 2877 (terminal name negotiation, terminal type negotiation,
- Colour support,
- Screen sizes: 80x24 and 132x27,
- 5250 status line.
6.1.1 - Keyboard Type
a) Setting-Up the Keyboard Type
The AX3000 supports both a 5250 (122 keys) and a PC/AT keyboard (102/105
keys). The keyboard type is not auto-detected.
To set the keyboard type, enter the AX3000 Set-Up and select the