Axel AX3000 65 User's Manual - firmware 0632 User Manual
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Installing under Windows
AX3000 - User's Manual
a) On Windows TSE
By default, with a Windows 2003 server, the time zone redirection is disabled.
To enable it run the "Group Policy Object Editor" (GPEDIT.MSC). See screen
shot in sub section d.
Expand the tree to [Computer Configuration]-[Administrative Templates]-
[Windows Components]-[Terminal Services]-[Data Client/Server Redirection].
Set the parameter "Enabling Time Zone Redirection" to "Enabled".
b) On Metaframe
The time zone redirection can be enabled/disabled either by the Farm's
properties or by creating a 'Strategy'. For more information, please read the
Metaframe administrator's Guide.
8.4.7 - Closing Phantom Sessions
When the AX3000 is turned off without logging out, the current TCP/IP
connection remains active on the server side (see Chapter 8.5.3).
To close such sessions, use the "Terminal Services Manager" utility (on the
'Administrative Tools' folder).