Axel AX3000 65 User's Manual - firmware 0632 User Manual
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Installing under UNIX/LINUX
AX3000 - User's Manual
Click the tab corresponding to the preferred method and add VNC terminals.
(The Linux server will be rebooted for modifications take effect)
Auxiliary ports (2 serial and 1 parallel) and logical ports (USB and TCP) are
provided by the AX3000. These ports are independently controlled so multiple
printers can be attached to the AX3000.
A printer is generally controlled by a network service:
- tty protocol: this is an Axel proprietary protocol. A printer controlled by
the tty protocol is seen as a local printer.
- LPD protocol: this service (RFCs 1048 and related) is provided as a
standard feature by major operating systems (Unix/Linux, Windows, etc.).
The main benefit of this protocol is an LPD printer can be shared by
different operating systems.
- rsh command: this command allows the contents of a file to be
redirected over the network.
In addition, a printer can also be controlled in "transparent mode" (by embedded
escape sequences, like a printer attached to a serial terminal).
The following covers the tty protocol, the rsh command and the transparent
mode. For more information about LPD printers, refer to Appendix A.3.
5.3.1 - The tty Protocol
The tty server is a Axel proprietary protocol. An additional piece of software is
needed (see Chapter 5.4).
The Unix/Linux host must run the AXEL tty server daemon (axttyd). The
configuration file axttyd must contain a list of AX3000 auxiliary ports and the
pttys associated with each.