Axel AX3000 65 User's Manual - firmware 0632 User Manual
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Installing under UNIX/LINUX
AX3000 - User's Manual
running the AXEL tcpmsh program from a UNIX shell. This supports up to eight
duplicated sessions.
Operating example: you could run four multi-shell sessions (or «views»)
across each of two telnet connections to different hosts. Function keystroke
combinations could be used to hot-key between the different telnet connections
a) Installation
Copy to /usr/bin and rename as ‘tcpmsh’ the appropriate binary. Example for
# cp tcpmsh.AIX /usr/bin/tcpmsh
b) Setting-Up the AX3000
Use of multiple views within a single telnet session must be set through the
AX3000 set-up.
The AX3000 supports eight virtual screens, which may be shared, between
telnet sessions and multi-shell views. In the AX3000 set-up, multi-shell views
are referred to as «pages per session» or «page/session»).
The AX3000 default factory set-up is 6 telnet sessions and 1 page/session.
To change this configuration, enter AX3000 Set-Up (
tune the number of sessions and number of Pages/Session parameters.
c) Using the Multi-Shell
To run tcpmsh, the syntax is:
$ tcpmsh [-options]
The main tcpmsh options are:
- b: selecting generic names of pseudo-terminals:
- b 0 (default): using ttypx (x is any decimal value from 0 to 63),
- b 1: using ttypx (x is any hexadecimal value from 0 to 3Fhex),