Generic, Converter, Generic udp converter – CIRCUTOR PowerStudio Series User Manual

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User Manual 85



The generic UDP converter connects devices that use serial communications (RS-232/RS-485)

to an Ethernet network using the IP protocol (UDP for datagram communications).


Name: Alphanumeric field that uniquely identifies the device throughout the program. There

are no two devices in the configuration with the same name.

Description: Alphanumeric type data to enter a brief description of the device.

Address converter: Corresponds to the address the program uses to communicate with the

device. This parameter can be an IP address or a name.This address should not be confused
with the MAC address.

Port: Corresponds to the communications port:

Advanced communication: Permits the configuration of a series of additional parameters on

the device. Refer to ‘Editor manual’.

Due to the large number of converters that can be found on the market. On adding this
device the program will not attempt to detect or verify that the configuration is correct.

The configuration and the proper functioning of communications between the converter and
the program is the responsibility of user.

For more information on how to configure the converter consult the device manual.


Only in Deluxe version