CIRCUTOR PowerStudio Series User Manual

Page 76

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PowerStudio PowerStudio

76 User Manual

Displays the status, limit and reset of the lleak alarm. The possible limit values are between 0

and 1500.

Displays the cosine limit, I limit and the cosine type and cosine alarm. The possible values for

the cosine limit are from 0 to 1, those of the I limit are between 0 and 9999, and cosine type can be
inductive or capacitive.

Displays the value of the limits for the THD V and THD I alarms in % and that for temperature

in ºC; temperature values can be between 0 and 256.

For each of the 16 alarms, it displays whether it is enabled and the associated relay.

It shows the status of each of the 12 capacitors; the status can be Auto, On or Off.