CIRCUTOR PowerStudio Series User Manual

Page 57

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User Manual 57

Alphanumeric type information where a brief description of the

channel can be entered for easy identification.

Toroid type connected to the channel. There are three possible

selection options:

• Channel disabled

• Fullscale channel of 6A (30mA .. 6A)

• Fullscale channel of 60A (300mA .. 60A)

Channel operating mode. Depending on the selected mode, some of the

configuration options of the channel may be disabled.

Channel output relay operating mode.

Channel triggering threshold, depending on the type of toroid

connected the available values will be:

Toroid 30 mA...6A

Toroid 300 mA 60A ...

30 mA

1 A

300 mA

10 A

50 mA

1.5 A

500 mA

15 A

100 mA

2 A

1 A

20 A

200 mA

2.5 A

2 A

25 A

300 mA

3 A

3 A

30 A

400 mA

3.5 A

4 A

35 A

500 mA

4 A

5 A

40 A

600 mA

4.5 A

6 A

45 A

700 mA

5 A

7 A

50 A

800 mA

5.5 A

8 A

55 A

900 mA

6 A

9 A

60 A





Only if the value of the customized trigger threshold does not exceed 6A

Channel delay time, depending on the selected operating mode, the

possible values are:



0.1 s

0.4 s

0.8 s

1 s

3 s

5 s

10 s

60 s




Only if the channel works on the relay mode

Delay time in the channel reset when working on the relay

mode, the possible values are:

0.1 s

0.4 s

0.8 s

1 s

3 s

5 s

10 s

60 s


Channel lock selection when working on the relay mode.