Configuration of a tcp2rs+ device, Tcp2rs, 1 configuration of a tcp2rs+ device – CIRCUTOR PowerStudio Series User Manual

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PowerStudio PowerStudio

244 User Manual

1.63.- TCP2RS+

The TCP2RS+ converter connects equipment that works with a serial communication (RS-

232/RS-485) to an Ethernet network using IP protocol.

1.63.1 Configuration of a TCP2RS+ device

When adding or modifying this device, see ‘Editor Manual’, the following dialogue box appears:


Name: Alphanumeric field that uniquely identifies the device throughout the program. There

are no two devices in the configuration with the same name.

Description: Enter a brief description of the device using alphanumeric type data.

Converter address: Corresponds to the address the program uses to communicate with the

device. This parameter can be an IP address or a name. This address should not be confused
with the MAC address.

User name: The default user name is ‘admin’.

Password: Allows you to enter the password configured in the converter.

Connection: Indicates whether the connection is UDP, TCP or MODBUS-TCP.

Port: Corresponds to the communications port.

Configuration port: Corresponds to the communication port the program uses to configure

the device. This port is 80 by default.