CIRCUTOR PowerStudio Series User Manual
Page 31

User Manual 31
As it is only possible to display the
configuration of one channel at a time, click on one of the channels to display the corresponding
Alphanumeric type information where a brief description of the
channel can be entered to for easy identification.
Toroid type connected to the channel. There are three possible
options for selection:
• Channel disabled
• Fullscale channel with 6A (30mA .. 6A)
• Fullscale with 60A (300mA .. 60A)
Channel trigger threshold, depending on the type of toroid
connected the values available will be:
Toroid 30 mA 6… A
Toroid 300 mA 60A ...
30 mA
1 A
300 mA
10 A
50 mA
1.5 A
500 mA
15 A
100 mA
2 A
1 A
20 A
200 mA
2.5 A
2 A
25 A
300 mA
3 A
3 A
30 A
400 mA
3.5 A
4 A
35 A
500 mA
4 A
5 A
40 A
600 mA
6 A
45 A
700 mA
5 A
7 A
50 A
800 mA
5.5 A
8 A
55 A
900 mA
6 A
9 A
60 A
Only if the value of the customized trigger threshold does not exceed 6A
Channel delay time, the possible values are:
0.1 s
0.4 s
0.8 s
1 s
3 s
5 s
10 s
Channel output relay operating mode.
Number of attempts at reconnection. After this number the relay
will be locked.
Time interconnections.
Operating mode in the time interconnections.