CIRCUTOR CVM-NET Series User Manual

Cvm-net, Cvm-net power analyzer

background image




CVM-NET is an instrument that measures and
calculates the primary electric parameters in three-
phase industrial power grids (balanced or unbalanced).
It is measured in true RMS values, using three AC
voltage inputs, and three AC current inputs (through
current transformers I


/ 5 A) .

The measured and calculated parameters are shown in
the table of variables.

You can find this manual in electronic format on the website


Before performing any maintenance operations,
connection modifications, repairs, etc., you must
disconnect the unit from the power supply. If you
suspect an operational fault in the unit or in its

protection system, remove the unit from service. The design of
the unit makes it easy to replace in the event of a fault.


CVM-NET has a single button; it can be used to
functionally reset the unit or to restore default
communication parameters.

To functionally reset the unit, press the button


for at least one second, and the unit will reset its
system within 5 s.

To restore the default communication parameters
(19200/8N/1 see section 2.1.-), disconnect the auxiliary
power, then press the button


, and, while holding

the button down, switch the unit back on. After 5 s, the
unit restores its factory settings.


As the unit has no keypad, the configuration settings
must be sent to the device via Modbus/RTU©
commands, or using the CIRCUTOR PowerStudio
Software, which can be downloaded for free from the

2.1.- Configuration of configuration settings

Two options are available for this:

2.1.1.- Using the peripheral number
By default, the unit has the following parameters:
3/19200/8/N/1. The following records are available for
changing the peripheral number or speed



Modbus Address


Valid data window

03E8 Hi


0 - Modbus

03E8 Lo

Peripheral number 00 to FF ( 0 to 255 dec)

03E9 Hi

Speed (Baud)

0- 1200, 1- 2400, 2- 4800,

3- 9600, 4- 19200

03E9 Low


0- No

03EA Hi

Length in bits

1- 8 bits

03EA Low

Stop bits

0- 1 bit

of a write command. Changing the peripheral
number. From 03 (3 decimal) to 0F (15 decimal), at 9600 bps.

TX: NP 10 03E8000306 000F 0300 0100 CRC
RX: NP 10 03E80003 CRC

After editing the registers with the new communications
parameters, must be reset the device with the next sentence,
entering in the peripheral number the original slave address (in
this case the number 03).

TX: NP 05 07D01100 CRC
RX: NP 05 07D01100 CRC

2.1.2.- Using the serial number (broadcast)
The serial number of the unit can be found on the side
label of the device (e.g.:3104200679). This number
must be translated into hexadecimal language so that
the sentence can be sent to the unit:

3104200679 (Decimal)

B90657E7 (Hexadecimal)

The parameters to be set using the “broadcast” format
to the 00 peripheral are restricted, as they are only for
configuring the communication settings:

Modbus Address


Valid data window


Unit serial number



Peripheral number

0 to FF (P)

0BBA Low

Port speed

0- 9600, 1-19200 (V)

Example of a write command. Changing the peripheral number.
From 03 (3 decimal) to 0F (15 decimal), at 9600 bps.

TX: 00 10 0BB8000306 B90657E7 0F 00 CRC

RX: Time Out

2.2.- Transformation ratio settings



can perform indirect

measurements (using voltage and current transformers).
For this reason, it has an input table for setting the
voltage and current transformation ratios. If the voltage
measurement is performed directly, the ratio is 1/1.

Modbus Address


Valid data window


Primary voltage

0 to 000186A0 (100.000)


Secondary voltage

0 to 03E7 (999)


Primary current

0 to 2710 (10,000)

0450 Hi

Not used


0450 Low

Not used


0451 Hi

Harmonic calculation

00 – THD / 01- D

0451 Low

Not used


Example of programming voltage ratios; Direct voltage
measurement (230 ph-N), and current transformers with
primary ratio of 400 A.

Primary voltage


00000001 (Hex)

Secondary voltage


0001 (Hex)

Primary current

400 (Dec)

0190 (Hex)

Calculating harmonics 00 with regard to the Effective Value
: NP 10 044C00060C 000000010001019000000000 CRC

RX: NP 10 044C00060C CRC

Next, reset the unit (see section 2.1.1.-).

2.2.1.- Reading transformation ratios settings
As additional information, the user has a Modbus
command, for reading the transformation ratios setting in
th device:

TX: NP 04 044C0006 CRC
RX: NP 04 0C 00000001 0001 0190 00000000 CRC

2.3.- Maximum demand settings

The power analyzer can calculate the maximum value,
using the sliding window method. This calculation can be
associated to one of the three available variables, as
shown below.

Modbus Address


Valid data window


PD calculation


0000 – No Pd

0010 – Active power III

0022 – Apparent power III

0024 – Three-phase current


Integration time

0 to 003C (0-60 minutes)

Example of maximum demand programming by three-phase
power, with a 15 minute period:

TX: NP 10 04E2000204 0010 000F CRC
RX: NP 10 04E20002 CRC

Next, reset the unit (see section 2.1.1.-).

2.3.1.- Reading maximum demand setting
As additional information, the user has a Modbus
command, for reading the maximum demand setting:

TX: NP 04 04E20002 CRC
RX: NP 04 04 0010 000F CRC

2.4.- Deleting maximum and minimum values

The power analyzer records all the maximum and
minimum values for each parameter measured in the
Modbus/RTU variables table. A command is available
for resetting these records:

TX: NP 05 0836 FF 00 CRC
RX: NP 05 0836 FF 00 CRC

2.5.- Deleting maximum demand

The maximum demand parameter, when calculated
using the sliding window, can be reset, allowing the
calculation to be restarted.

TX: NP 05 0838 FF 00 CRC
RX: NP 05 0838 FF 00 CRC

2.6.- Configuration and use of digital outputs

2.6.1.- Forcing digital outputs
The unit is fitted with two digital outputs, that can be
remotely managed in both their opening and closing

Forcing Digital Output number 1:

TX: NP 05 0000 XX 00 CRC
RX: NP 05 0000 XX 00 CRC
(Where XX

FF Close / 00 Open)

Forcing Digital Output number 2:

TX: NP 05 0001 XX 00 CRC
RX: NP 05 0001 XX 00 CRC
(Where XX

FF Close / 00 Open)

2.6.2.- Reading the digital output status
The user can request a reading of the digital output
status via Modbus/RTU using the following sentence:

: NP 01 0000 0008 CRC
RX: NP 01 01 XX CRC

Where XX

04 Both outputs open

05 Output 1 closed

06 Output 2 closed

07 Both outputs closed

2.6.3.- Digital output settings
Digital outputs, in addition to being remotely managed,
can be used as alarm elements, associated with an
electric variable by a maximum or minimum value, or
fulfil the power pulse function associated with any
power consumption parameter (active or reactive). The
following input table is provided for programming them:

Digital output 1
Modbus Address


Valid data window

047E, 047F

MAX value or W·h imp Hexadecimal value

0480, 0481

MIN value

Hexadecimal value



0 to 270F (9,999


0483 Hi

Variable number

00 (See table of


0483 Low

Not used


*When a power variable is selected, the analyzautomatically recognises the

power pulse function and applies the w·h value of the first record.

Example of alarm programming by maximum and minimum
value with voltage VL1. A maximum value of 240 V, a minimum
value of 200 V (the voltage value must be sent multiplied by 10
(as shown in the enclosed variables table), and delay of 10
s are programmed.

Maximum value 2400 (Decimal)

→ 00000960 (Hexadecimal)

Minimum value 2000 (Decimal)

→ 000007D0 (Hexadecimal)


10 (Decimal)

→ 000A (Hexadecimal)

Var number 01 (Decimal)

→ 01 (Hex)

Not used

00 (Decimal)

→ 00 (Hexadecimal)

TX: NP10047E00060C 00000960 000007D0 000A 0100 CRC
RX: 03 10 047E0006 CRC
Next, reset the unit (see section 2.1.1.-).

Digital output 2
Modbus Address


Valid data window

04B0, 04B1

MAX value or W·h imp Hexadecimal value

04B2, 04B3

MIN value

Hexadecimal value



0 to 270F (9,999


04B5 Hi

Variable number

00 (See table of


04B5 Low

Not used


*When a power variable is selected, the analyzer automatically recognises

the power pulse function and applies the w·h value of the first record.

Example of alarm programming by maximum and minimum
value with voltage VL1. Maximum value: 240 V, minimum value:
200 V (Vx10), and a delay of 10 s.

Maximum value 2400 (Decimal)

→ 00000960 (Hexadecimal)

Minimum value 2000 (Decimal)

→ 000007D0 (Hexadecimal)


10 (Decimal)

→ 000A (Hexadecimal)

Var number 01 (Decimal)

→ 01 (Hex)

Not used

00 (Decimal)

→ 00 (Hexadecimal)

TX: NP1004B000060C 00000960 000007D0 000A 0100 CRC
RX: 03 10 04B00006 CRC

2.6.4.- Next, reset the unit (see 2.1.1.-).Reading digital

output settings

TX: NP 04 04 047X 0006 CRC
RX: NP 04 0C 00000960 000007D0 000A 01 00 CRC

(X: value of the inicial register for each digital output ).