CIRCUTOR PowerStudio Series User Manual

Page 82

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PowerStudio PowerStudio

82 User Manual

There are some second-tier devices that when connecting to a Modbus TCP device require
manual configuration, the communication is limited to display, for Modbus TCP these
devices cannot be configured. Devices of this nature are:

- CVM – B / BD

The special characteristics, as well as the pertinent configuration to carry out correct Modbus
TCP connection are specified in the corresponding sections of each device.

Parameters: Clicking the button will cause a dialogue will appear where a number of device

parameters can be configured.



IP address: Corresponds to the IP address used to communicate with the device.


Subnetwork mask: Corresponds to the subnetwork mask used on the network where the
device is connected


Predetermined Gateway: Corresponds to the address of the gateway if the device is not on
the same network as the computer containing the program.


Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP): This option will be enabled when we want the
device to automatically receive the IP address via a DHCP server.

Advanced communication: Permits the configuration of a series of additional parameters on

the device. Refer to ‘Editor manual’.

On adding or modifying the device, the software will try to detect it. If it is unable to detect it, if the
device is new or has not been allocated an IP address or has an allocated IP different to that entered in
the ‘Converter Address’, it will ask if you want to assign a new IP address to the converter.