Design example, Frequency division – Altera Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration IP Core User Manual
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Design Example
Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) Megafunction
February 2012
Altera Corporation
Design Example
You can download design examples for this megafunction from the following
On the
page, in the Using
Megafunctions section under I/O
On the
webpage, with this user guide
The designs are simulated using the ModelSim
-Altera software to generate a
waveform display of the device behavior. For more information about the ModelSim-
Altera software, refer to the
page on the Altera
website. The support page includes links to such topics as installation, usage, and
Frequency Division
This design example uses the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction to change the clock
frequency of an enhanced PLL. This example demonstrates how to reconfigure the
counter using the ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunction to vary the frequency of this
counter by changing the c value.
shows the formula for changing the c value
for different PLL output frequencies.
This example reconfigures the output frequency of
from 100 to 50 MHz by
changing the divide-by value from 3 to 6.
Generating the ALTPLL and ALTPLL_RECONFIG Megafunctions
To generate the ALTPLL and ALTPLL_RECONFIG megafunctions, follow these steps:
1. Open the file and extract
2. In the Quartus II software, open the pll_recon_ex1_1.1.qar file and restore the
archive file into your working directory.
3. On the Tools menu, click MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. Page 1 of the
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears.
4. Select Create a new custom megafunction variation.
5. Click Next. Page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears.
Figure 8. Frequency Division Formula
Divide-by value = c = (Fin * m)/(Fout * n)
c value = High time count = Low time count
Fin = Input frequency
m = m modulus value
n = n modulus value
Fout = Required output frequency