Measuring corrected power – EXFO IQS-1600 High-Speed Power Meter for IQS-500/600 User Manual
Page 54

Measuring Power
Measuring Corrected Power
To delete a user reference from the list:
1. From the Settings function tab, select the Lists tab.
2. Select the value to remove by clicking it once.
3. Click
to remove the value.
Measuring Corrected Power
Applying a correction factor to the measured power is useful when
compensating for known inaccuracies (power gains or losses) at specific
A correction factor (CF) can be applied to any measurement that is
displayed in either dB, dBm, W, or W/W.
When a dB correction factor different from 0.000 is defined, the displayed
power is equal to the actual power plus the value of the correction factor.
When a W/W correction factor different from 1.000 is defined, the
displayed power is equal to the actual power times the value of the
correction factor.
Note: With an active correction factor, the CF marker appears in the data display
for the matching channel.
Note: Special care must be taken when setting a CF as it emulates a new
calibration (the module calibration is not affected and will be restored by
setting back the CF to a null value).
When expressed in dB, the CF can be a positive or negative value. When
the currently selected measurement unit is W, the correction factor is
expressed in W/W, indicating a multiplication factor for the current
wavelength and channel. The CF expressed in W/W will always be a
positive value.