EXFO FTB-8500 Series for FTB-500 User Manual
Page 279

Ethernet and Fibre Channel Application
To organize the streams key statistics presentation, the Overview page
supports several sorting criterion levels. The main sorting criterion is the
Stream Alarm Status that automatically sorts the streams from the most
important alarm group to the least (Red-Yellow-Green-White). The second
sorting criterion is the Stream Activity Status that can either be Active
(stream information is black) or Inactive (stream information is gray). The
Active streams are presented first and are followed by the Inactive streams
within each Stream Alarm Status group (the Red Stream Alarm Status
group never shows Inactive streams, these automatically fall into the
Yellow group). Finally a third criterion is used to sort in ascending or
descending order of Stream Name or Dest IP Address within each Stream
Alarm Status group. Of these last two criteria, the Dest IP Address is the
default selection as highlighted by a small triangle in the column header.
The selection of the Stream Name or Dest IP Address criterion is user
Alternatively it is also possible to override the Stream Alarm Status as the
first criteria by selecting the Join Status column header as the main sorting
criterion. Doing so the following sorting Join Status ordering can be
achieved creating Failed-Joined-Joining-Idle or Idle-Joining-Joined-Failed
groups. Then the Stream Alarm Status is applied within each group with
the Dest IP Address presenting the streams in ascending order. Details
about the Stream Alarm Status, Stream Activity Status, and Join Status
description are presented below.