Keri Systems BioPointe Users Manual User Manual

Page 8

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Getting to know the BioPointe


Local Enrollment and Central Enrollment

The system is designed to cater for both local and central enrollment. By central, it means that the
users of the device are enrolled centrally on a host PC. Their authentication properties are then
downloaded by means of a communication link, to the BioPointe.

Central enrollment requires the use of the central enrollment software, known as BioPointe Central.
For local enrollment, you can refer to Chapter 4 - "Administering The BioPointe".

Communicating With The BioPointe

As mentioned, the authentication properties can be downloaded using a communication link. This
link can be RS232, RS422 and RS485.

Transaction Logging

Every time a user successfully verifies his authentication property at the device, a transaction log is
recorded. This log remains in the device in a round-robin flash storage. The role of the host
software is to upload the log from the device to the host PC.

Event Logging

Besides the transaction logs, there is also another category of logs which is known as Event Logs.
Event logs are recorded whenever any exceptional events happen. An example of such and event is
when an alarm is triggered.

For a full listing of the different types of event logs, you can refer to the Appendix.

Wiegand Interface To Keri Systems Controllers

The BioPointe provides a Wiegand interface to a Keri System Controller. The Wiegand signals are
sent out upon a successful verification of the authentication property.