Chapter 5, 5 performing authentication with the biopointe – Keri Systems BioPointe Users Manual User Manual
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Performing Authentication with the BioPointe
Chapter 5
5 Performing Authentication With The
This chapter assumes that you have already learned how to enroll the authentication properties. If you have
not learned how to do so, you may like to look at Chapter 4 – Administering the BioPointe again. This
chapter describes how your fingerprints and other authentication properties can be enrolled locally on the
device. Alternatively, if you are enrolling the authentication properties remotely, you can refer to the section
on Remote Administration, and to the BioPointe Central manual that comes separately.
Handling Exceptions with Card Only and Card with PIN Authentication
As mentioned, there are three main types of authentication properties – namely, fingerprint, card only and
card with PIN. While fingerprint authentication will be the main usage, the other two types of authentication
are provided to handle exceptions, such as in the case of persons having severely callous fingerprints. By
handling such exceptions, you would then be able to use the device for the entire spectrum of people in your
We will now take a look at how the various authentication modes can be performed.