1introduction, 1 overview – Comtrol AT Command Set Rev A User Manual
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AT Commands Reference Manual
This manual describes the host command and responses for the following Conexant
modem families:
SmartSCM™ Modem Device Set
SmartACF™ Modem Device Set
SmartACFL™ Modem Device Set
SC56D Modem Device
The commands and responses are implemented in controller firmware for specific
modem models. Additional configuration and implementation information is available in
release notes and/or readme files that accompany product firmware release.
The descriptions in this manual apply to all commands and parameters that may be
supported by different modem models. Refer to Modem Firmware Release notes for
commands applicable to specific modem models.
Command Syntax
The fundamental DTE interface command syntax is described in Section 2.
Command Descriptions
Commands are grouped into the following categories:
Syntax and procedures
Section 2
Data commands
Section 3
Fax Class 1 and Fax Class 1.0 commands
Section 5
Fax Class 2 commands
Section 6
Voice/Audio commands
Section 7
Call Progress and Blacklisting Parameters
The SmartACF, SmartACFL, and SC56D modem MCU firmware may be provided either
in reconfigurable form or preconfigured form. Consult the specific firmware release notes
for exact configuration information.
Reconfigurable Form. The modem MCU firmware can be configured for operation in
specific countries by the PC-compatible ConfigurACE II program. The call progress and
blacklisting parameters described in the ConfigurACE II User's Manual can be altered
and loaded for a number of countries by this program.
Preconfigured Form. Specific MCU firmware configurations may be released that can
be directly installed without requiring the use of ConfigurACE II.