Comtrol UP DeviceMaster Installation User Manual
Page 72

72 - RedBoot Procedures
Hardware Installation and Configuration Guide: 2000451 Rev. J
RedBoot Procedures
mcopy -s
Copies memory from one address to another.
mfill -b
Fills a block of memory with a pattern.
Shows model number.
password {password}
Sets or deletes the password.
ping [-v] [-n
Network connectivity test.
Resets the DeviceMaster UP.
secureconf [disable|enable]
Sets or displays secure config enable.
securedata [disable|enable]
Sets or displays secure data enable.
sernum [prefix] [serial_number]
sernum [serial_number]†
Displays device serial number (if available).
Displays short help.
snmp [disable|enable]
Sets or displays SNMP enable.
Displays a summary that includes the bootloader version, network
address information, MAC address, and security settings.
telnet [disable | enable}
Sets or displays telnet server enable. Disables telnet.
teltimeout [seconds]
Shows or sets telnet time-out.
Terse command response mode.
t485 port #1 port #2
Runs port-to-port RS-485 test. This is not available on the
DeviceMaster Serial Hub. Port numbering is Port 0 through 15 and
you must connect a straight-through cable such as Ethernet patch
timeout {seconds}
Displays or sets Bootloader time-out value.
Displays RedBoot version information.
x -b
Displays (hex dump) a range of memory.
† Read-only items that you cannot change in Redboot.
RedBoot Commands (Continued)