Db9 loopback plugs, Connecting db9 serial devices, Db9 loopback plugs connecting db9 serial devices – Comtrol UP DeviceMaster Installation User Manual

Page 43

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Hardware Installation and Configuration Guide: 2000451 Rev. J

Connecting Serial Devices - 43

Connecting Serial Devices

DB9 Loopback Plugs

Loopback connectors are DB9 female serial port plugs with pins wired together
that are used in conjunction with application software to test serial ports. The
DeviceMaster UP is shipped with a a single loopback plug (RS-232/422).

Not all DeviceMaster UP protocols provide test (example programs). Refer to the

EtherNet/IP User Guide


Modbus/TCP User Guide

for information about

using those example programs.

The following DeviceMaster UP protocols do not use the loopback plug:

Modbus Router

Modbus Server


Wire the following pins together to build additional plugs or replace a missing RS-
232 loopback plug:

Pins 1 to 4 to 6

Pins 2 to 3

Pins 7 to 8 to 9

Wire the following pins together for an RS-422 loopback plug:

Pins 2 to 3

Pins 7 to 8

Connecting DB9
Serial Devices

You can use this information to connect serial devices to DB9 connectors.


Connect your serial devices to the appropriate serial port on the DeviceMaster
UP using the appropriate cable.

Note: Refer to the hardware manufacturer’s installation documentation if you

need help with connector pinouts or cabling for the peripheral device.


If the DeviceMaster UP has Rx/Tx LEDs, verify that the devices are
communicating properly. DeviceMaster UP 4-ports with DB9 ports provide

Note: DeviceMaster UP 1-port and 2-port models

do not have TX/RX LEDs.

The RX (yellow) and TX (green) LEDs function
accordingly when the cable is attached properly to
a serial device.

After power cycling the DeviceMaster UP, the RX/TX LEDs are off.

The LEDs do not function as described until the port has been opened by
an application.

If the port is configured for RS-232/422 mode:


RX LEDs (yellow) are lit


TX LEDs (green) are lit when as the data exits the port

If the port is configured for RS-485 mode:


RX LEDs (yellow) are lit while receiving


TX LEDs (green) are lit during active data transmission


You can refer to

Network and Device LEDs

on Page 84 for information about

the remaining LEDs.

Pin 1

Pin 5

Pin 6

Pin 9

RS-232 Only
(Back View)

The RS-232 loopback plug
also works for RS-422.

Pin 1

Pin 5

Pin 6

Pin 9

RS-422 Only
(Back View)