Appendix a – AERCO KC Series Equipped with C-More Controller for Massachusetts Only User Manual
Page 75

Internal Setpoint
Allows internal setpoint to be set. Default is 130°F.
Unit Type
Allows selection of Boiler or Water Heater.
Unit Size
Sets unit size from 0.5 to 3.0 MBTUs. Default is 1.0
Heater Mode
It allows selection of either the Constant Setpoint or
Remote Setpoint Mode. Default is Constant
Remote Signal
Used to set the type of external signal which will be
used when operating in the Remote Setpoint Mode.
The factory default is 4-20 mA/1-5V.
Setpoint Lo Limit
Used to set the minimum allowable setpoint (40°F to
Setpoint Hi Limit). Default is 60°F
Setpoint Hi Limit
Used to set the maximum allowable setpoint
(Setpoint Lo Limit to 240°F). Default is 200°F.
Temp Hi Limit
This is the maximum allowable outlet temperature
(30 to 230°F). Any temperature above this setting
will turn off the unit. The temperature must then drop
5° below this setting to allow the unit to run. Default
Hi Limit is 215°F.
Max Fire Rate
Sets the maximum allowable fire rate for the unit
(40% to 100%). Default is 100%.
Aux Start On Dly
Specifies the amount of time to wait (0 to 120 sec.)
between activating the Aux Relay (due to a demand)
and checking the pre-purge string to start the boiler.
Default is 0 sec.
Failsafe Mode
Allows the Failsafe mode to be set to either Constant
Setpoint or Shutdown. Default is Shutdown.
mA Output
Can be set to allow this output to monitor Setpoint,
Outlet Temperature, Fire Rate Out or be set to OFF.
Default is OFF.
Lo Fire Timer
Specifies how long (2 to 120 sec.) to remain in the
low fire position after ignition, before going to the
desired output. Default is 2 sec.
Setpt Limiting
Allows Setpt Limiting to be enabled or disabled.
Default is disabled.
Setpt Limit Band
When Setpt Limiting is enabled, this menu item
allows the Setpt Limit Band to be set from 0°F to
10°F. Default is 5°F.