Check for updates, Report preferences – Storix Software SBAdmin TSM Edition Users Guide User Manual

Page 93

background image

To change the

3D Effect and the Width/Size of Borders, select the option or adjust the values to the

desired settings. The sample box will be changed to show your selections.

Once you’re satisfied with your selections, press the


button to save the changes. If, after having

previously saved difference sections, you want to return the screen to the default (Classic) font and colors,
press the


button or select Classic from the

Theme drop-down, then


the settings again.

As soon as you save your settings, a confirmation dialog box will appear, and when selecting to continue,
all windows except the

Main Screen

will be closed. The Main Screen will then be updated to reflect your

selection. All windows opened from this point will display the selected settings.

Check for Updates

When launching the Administrator, the application will contact the Storix website in order to compare the
currently running version of SBAdmin with the latest version available. If you are not running the most
current version, a note will be displayed at the bottom of the interface. You may prevent this communication
from occurring by selecting “No” to this option.

Report Preferences

Reports and backup notifications can be printed, sent to an email address, or appended to a text file. This
option is used to set up preferences for each.

To edit configure or change these options, select


!Preference!General Preferences

, and add or

change the following options in the

Report Options section.

Default Printer (AIX)

It is assumed that AIX systems will always have AIX printer queues already setup. This option is used
to select the default printer queue which will be automatically selected when using any of the


” options within the application. The printer queue must already have been set up on the

system. To select the default printer to use, select the printer queue from the pull down.

Default Printer (Linux/Solaris)

Linux and Solaris systems provide a variety of ways to configure printers and supply numerous
commands that may be used to submit files or jobs to the printers or queues. Therefore, this option will
allow you to select a printer definition along with the command used to send data to the printer.

You should first configure your printer or printer queue using your Linux or Solaris
system administration utilities. Be sure to test the command by typing it at the
command line to send something to the printer before adding the command to the
SBAdmin Preferences.

To select the default printer used for reports and notifications, select from the pull down menu next to

Default Printer entry field, and select a pre-configured printer from the list. If you’ve not yet

configured the printers within SBAdmin, press


button, and a screen will appear like the

example below:

Storix System Backup Administrator


Version 8.2 TSM Edition User Guide