Restoring files or directories using wildcards, Restoring files using wildcards – Storix Software SBAdmin TSM Edition Users Guide User Manual

Page 86

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From this window, you may:

1. Click on any folder or file icon to select that directory or file. Note that when selecting a directory,

all files and directories beneath become un-selected as they will be restored automatically as part
of their parent directory. Click a selected folder or file to de-select. Note that the full path of
selected files or directories will appear in the box below the file tree.

2. Click the plus-sign (+) next to a directory to open the directory and view and select from the files or

directories beneath. The plus (+) sign will turn to a minus (-) sign. Clicking the minus sign will close
the directory, but any files or directories selected within will remain selected.

3. Double-click on a folder icon will open the folder just as pressing the plus (+) sign.

4. When you have selected all desired files and directories, press the


button at the bottom of

the screen. You will be returned to the

Restore Options Screen

, and the selected list of files will

appear in the [Data] to Restore field.

Restoring Files or Directories Using Wildcards

There may be many files on a backup containing similar name that you want to restore without having to
select each and every file, which may exist in different directories. To do so, you may use wildcards in the
filenames. A wildcard is denoted by an asterisk

(*) in one or more parts of the name. For example:


will result in all files in a sub-directory of the

/home filesystem containing “.gif” at the end of the name. This

would result in files such as:



but will NOT result in files such as:



Storix System Backup Administrator


Version 8.2 TSM Edition User Guide