Storix Software SBAdmin QuickStart Guide User Manual
Quick start guide for system backup, Starting the sbadmin interface, Quick help

Quick Start Guide for System Backup
This document provides the steps necessary to create a full system backup and boot media necessary for system recovery. This
document does not include all of the features and options available in the application; rather it’s intended to be used as a quick
reference in starting to use Storix SBAdmin. For more details and further documentation refer to the
SBAdmin User Guide
and the
SBAdmin System Recovery Guides
Starting the SBAdmin interface
There are two interfaces you use to manage your backups and boot media. The instructions provided here will apply to either interface
unless specified otherwise:
Graphical (Xwindows) Interface: If using Xwindows, you may start this interface by typing “sbadmin” at the command prompt
within an X-terminal. You may also launch the GUI and have it display on a remote Xserver session by typing “sbadmin –d
” (where DISPLAY is the hostname or IP address of the remote host). It may be necessary for you to type “xhost +” on
the remote system to allow remote systems to use its display.
Web Interface: After starting your internet browser, type “https://host:8080” where host is the hostname or IP address of the
system installed as the SBAdmin administrator, and 8080 is the default port number (replace this with the port number you chose
during software install, if different).
The Main Screen will display. For Network and TSM Edition, this will show the Clients, Servers and Devices. For Workstation
Edition, the Jobs will be displayed. You may change the display to display the Jobs or Job Queues using the Display drop-down at
the top of the screen.
Quick Help
You may at any time move the cursor over any object (menu option, listbox, button or entry field) in the application and (if using the
GUI interface) click the right mouse button. A popup message will appear on top of the object with information usage and any options,
warnings or special instructions that might apply.
SBAdmin License Type
The remaining sections of this document are specific to the SBAdmin license type in use:
Storix System Backup Administrator
Quick Start Guide
Copyright © 2014 Storix, Inc.