1 error mode messages, 1 flashing 999999 (numerical overflow), 2 flashing err o1 (offset overflow) – Cooper Instruments & Systems DFI INFINITY Digital Force Indicator/Controller User Manual
Page 73: 3 flashing err o2 (setpoint overflow), 4 nostor & stored (programming entries in eeprom), 5 flashing +ovld (positive input overload), 6 flashing +open (open sensor indication), 7 flashing -open (open sensor indication), 8 flashing i ovsc (input overscale), 9 flashing r ovsc (reading overscale)

17.1 Error Mode Messages
17.1.1 Flashing 999999 (Numerical Overflow)
The maximum number of counts in the display cannot exceed –99999 or 999999. If, by moving the ACTIVE
decimal point one or more places to the left, you cause the display to move beyond the maximum number of counts
it is capable of showing (for example, 12345.0 to 12345.00), the display will indicate the overflow by flashing
17.1.2 Flashing ERR O1 (Offset Overflow)
When an offset value has been entered and then the ACTIVE decimal point has been moved one or more places to
the left, causing the offset display reading to move beyond the maximum number of counts it is capable of showing
(for example, 1000.00 to 1000.000), the display will go into offset overflow.
NOTE: The meter will only display 6 digits (999999) maximum.
17.1.3 Flashing ERR O2 (Setpoint Overflow)
After a Setpoint (or Alarm) value has been entered and then the ACTIVE decimal point has been moved one or
more places to the left, causing the setpoint display reading to move beyond the number of counts it is capable of
showing (for example, setpoint at 100.00 and then a decimal point change to 100.0000), the display will indicate the
SETPOINT OVERFLOW by momentarily flashing “ERR 02” before returning to the run mode. NOTE: The meter
will only display 6 digits (999999) maximum.
17.1.4 NOSTOR & STORED (Programming Entries In EEPROM)
If you are in the configuration mode and you make a CHANGE to any setup parameter (for example, changing
“RDG.1 = 1” to “RDG.1 = 0”) and press the ‘MENU’ button, the display will MOMENTARILY flash either “STORED”
or “NOSTOR” and then go to the next menu item. If you are in a submenu, this will only occur when you press the
‘MENU’ button to go to the next menu item.
17.1.5 Flashing +OVLD (Positive Input Overload)
If the input signal exceeds the range selected (for example, 0-100 mV range selected and greater than 200 mV is
applied to the input), the display will flash a “+OVLD”.
17.1.6 Flashing +OPEN (Open Sensor Indication)
Coupled with the proper jumper selection, the display will indicate an open sensor.
17.1.7 Flashing -OPEN (Open Sensor Indication)
Coupled with the proper jumper selection, a “-OPEN” indicates the input is below the bottom limit of the range
17.1.8 Flashing I OVSC (Input Overscale)
This display occurs when the input scale and/or offset applied to the input signal causes the display to go into a
numerical overflow.
17.1.9 Flashing R OVSC (Reading Overscale)
This display occurs when the reading scale and/or offset applied to the input signal causes the display to go into a
numerical overflow.
17.1.10 Flashing CB OVF (Count By Overflow)
When a display value near the maximum display capability is forced into a numerical overflow by changing the CNT
BY menu (for example, the display reads 999997 and the count by is changed from 001 to 005 and rounds the
display up to 1000000).
17.1.11 Flashing UOM.OVF (Unit Of Measure Overflow)
If a unit of measure is selected and you are near the full-scale capability of the display and in the ACTIVE decimal
mode, the display will shift one digit to the left (for example, to a display of 1065.33 you add a unit of measure such
as “F” for a display of 1065.33F), the display will flash “UOM.OVF”.
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